Message & Master Keys

Becoming a Kingdom Citizen

God is just too generic of a name when you’re working from the Kingdom. The Lord Jesus Christ is not just the son of God but the right hand of God. He is the almighty, he is the Alpha and Omega, he is All Knowing and All Powerful, King of Kings and Lord of Host. He must be addressed properly so that authority is displayed accordingly.

The Lord Almighty Jesus Christ

Perspective (New Eyes)


( Position )

More than just a title, you bring a sense of accomplishment and legacy to your work.

Domain + Instruct


( Access )

More than just a tool, you establish dominion and inspiration to the ones in need.

Aquire + Implement


Tools of opportunity

Legacy Keys

Understanding Patterns and Following Laws of Nature to align the foundation accordingly

Kingdom Keys

Above Laws while taking hold of Principles to protect and reinforce the foundation

Doors & Locks