Series to master the boundless power of God force

Faith & Alignment

My First Books from the Bible



In challenge the Law of Polarity with the Law of Correspondence grants it’s pursuer access.

A Dance in Life

Balance of Forces

Imagination is Water



“Songs for the Heart”

Sound in Rhythm…

Study the Old Testament for it holds conviction on The Act of living as God Christ in Flesh




“I am the Father, the Sun and the Holy Spirit

Letting go is allowing my Will to favor your walk for your daily means and task are mearly pixels to the Bigger Picture.

7 Hermetic Principles of the Universe

“Havel, Havel everything is utterly Havel” 1:2 + 12:8



“Beauty is in the EYE of the Beholder”

Teachers do not teach they direct through challenge, mental and physical because only God is the One True Teacher of All & Knowing to experience is a favor of his Devine Will.



Here lies the Commandments you signed and fell victim to plaguing.

Who are you, The SuperEgo (Intuition) or The Ego(Flesh)?

Decoding your message of Intention

In your absence of Authority and Duty you will be paid but due to your absence from the Illusion of enslavement of time you will not be going back.

So you burn for eternity.

*The Judge & The Spiritual Body - Parts of the Soul

Creating my Own Legacy

Becoming the New Testament