God is Good

We Do not Question the Truth… We uphold the Holiness and Authority of God Almighty

Build a relationship through discerning and learning the Truth

Allowing the Flow and Accepting the Storm of Life

The gut wants what the heart was destine for. The heart desires what it can’t hold, while the mind wants what it can’t be. So I give it all to the… I am that I am… I love you

The Heart is Deceitful

The heart desires what it can never have…

Understanding - Take up your Cross

Intention by Focus

The Mind is Corrupted

The mind desires what it can never be…

Lifestyle - Walk in Faith

Praying In Spirit

Self Acceptance is the thief of time… Knowledge is the keys of the Devine. Don’t give the Devil anything but Love and compassion…

John 14:6

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.”

Follow the Torah (Old Testament) - Moses Laws

Destroy Evil Strongholds with FIRE - Word of God

Give Thanksgiving & Respect

Thankfulness & Glory - Worship & Praise

Prayerful | Prepared | Position