
This is a QuickBook for inspiring entrepreneurs, content creators and anyone on the journey of creating a name for yourself. Life has no shortcuts or turbo boost it’s all about the grind and grit, but there’s a special someone who has this funny way of humbling you and allowing you to enjoy the sit.

ID Repair

What does Integrity mean to you? Here’s a couple buzz words to spark our conversation, Intentionality, Determinism, Consistent. Now before we elaborate let’s continue this excercise with the word Influence. Words that come to mine are Service, Accomplishments and Mastery. Integrity and Influence are foundations that act as pillars of leveraging value. In my knowledge and psychology research there are two values of priority, our face and our heart. Your face has to do with your Destiny which we can summarize as Introductions. Second is your Heart which is Abundance and then can also be summarized as Purpose. Your Destiny is a Mental Vision, it’s a Dream that you Desire that motivates you and pushes you to be yourself. Just like your face your Destiny wants to be known for its expertise, it wants to be known for its true value and potential. The way the face expresses is through exposure, understanding where you stand and your triggers can bring you the mental clarity to show up where you are most valuable. As for your Heart Desire the focus is pushed outward as influence. Your Heart like what I like to call a “Sound of Knowing” is a definite sign of certainty in the midst of creative chaos. You are a product of your environment so become aware of what indirectly has been influencing you and what you allow in your life. What is your standard of living? Too cliche? Honestly it’s not convicting enough, almost convincing maybe. A standard is a bare minimum and in learning about the process of learning of the brain, the brain loves to “idle”, act without effort out of automation. In simplest terms your brains hates to work in psychology terms your brain loves to turn task into habits to better prioritize the reward value to increase or decrease the behavior in the future. Your brain is not used to store information and it’s a receiver. As things are inputting into your system of mind you integrate and implement as needed by the benefits. So why are talking about reward systems and psychology when it comes to Identity, for one people are attracted to what they like and what interest them. Attraction is a form of idealistically Feeling, “what you desire, desires you”, become the expert in the utility of expertise. Become the person in the mirror that boost innovation not just spark change. The person must look at you and ask themselves the question “what have I been missing not knowing you?”. This follows up what interest me, which plays along the game of curiosity. “Curiosity killed the Cat”, yes but the full quote is "Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back." Excellent quote to explain the adventure because your purpose should not be determined by the amount of effort you provide but the certainty of the outcome. Expression is to Personality as Impression is for Creativity. Curiosity is a form of desire to know more without a distinctive motivator besides the joy of seeking. As a creative separating your daily life from your creative work is a jungle to unpack and a mountain in itself to move. So I found it highly important to map out my true intentions to best position myself for Passion and Purpose everyday. Low end this can be journaling daily, and high end this can be seen by creating a weekly or monthly project dedicated to your career path. The goal is to observe and document, the mission is to assess and problem solve.

Now let’s get down to work, the mission is to assess and utilize. Easier said than done but I want to express the thin line between being prideful and being proud. Having confidence starts in the mind but is upheld in the heart. The power of authority creates the opportunity for influence to motivate others. Showing up will always beat the odds. In the Quest for Abundance, lack is a trap to the unbeliever. In fact if you could become the observer of your life for one day the first thing you would change would be what you are exposed to physically. This belief in itself creates a window of existential or importance of the lack of self control. The reason it being Self Control and not Self identity because observation is objective, meaning subject to cause. A goal is acted upon not reprehensible to the outcome but by the sensation of the victory. You are in a constant battle between fleshly desires and your spiritual potential. Priority is sequenced by meaning and ordered by relation. By assuming the position of a creator you open two extra doors of mental clarity. The first door being Hope and the second door being Peace, simply put these two doors once opened drop your dreams in your reach. Why just your reach you may ask? Because God gave his authority to Jesus Christ, just as Christ has given you the authority of potential. As a creator your dreams become limitless allowing your Vision to be shaped personally. “Subject to Cause”, with you being the subject you paint your adventure with the labors and knowledge of your experience. A Lavish Luxury Lifestyle will be praised by a High Quality Identity. Praised in a sense of worship, worship with a intention on the obidence towards the Faith. Complete trust is the only guide you need in your Abundance Journey. Showing up everyday as the highest version of yourself to please your creator. The dance between a master and their service, a shepherd and his sheep. Your lifestyle is influenced by not only your environment but the value and positioning of your Identity to your Emotions.

By prioritizing the Vision of Greatness over the Feeling of Comfort you gain the mental clarity to act on your purpose. In the next chapter I will explain how to strategize this Mindset and develop a proper Skillset.

Legacy Builder

The word monetize means to extract value and if you are a creative you have to master the art of copying. Now to clean my hands copying others work without a style of originality and spice of personality you will be washed away by the current, also known as the trend. The goal in building an innovative empire is to remain relevant. Most celebrities get this confused by “All publicity is Good Publicity” but they fail to realize and underestimate the value of Quality over Quantity. In my marketing journey the millionaires and billionaires not only have a simple system but that system has all my problems solved and provides me a bonus, a confidence in my ability to perform. It not only paints my problems out as missing task to be completed but it creates a routine of performance. In business an Iron Mind is key. The Iron Mind is a combination of a Growth Mindset and an Abundance Mindset. The Growth Mindset focus on Mastery, mastery of Discipline, the discipline to act accordingly. If you look on YouTube or have done any research on personal development you are bound to learn about the Shadow and what many have coined “Shadow Work”. This is a technique that provides you the emotional intelligence to utilize your fears and negative repressed emotions as motivation. This strategy is best as a weekly challenge to learn a new skill. This strategy will also help you manage risk and provide you a optimistic mentality to challenge. The Abundance Mindset focus on Attention, attention to Intention, the intention to peace of Mind. Affirmation are great tools to boost your confidence levels and attitude towards task, but Affirmations have been known to leave loose ends. In creating Affirmations you can’t forget the confirmation aspect of Affirming. Affirming without conviction is simply an assumption. A assumption without faith is false belief. In becoming one with the belief of your true self, the purpose and potentiality of your higher self is aligned to your purpose indefinitely. It’s not that there are two purposes rather you are focusing your energy on less valuable potential experiences to deal with your current situation. In understanding the concept and phenomenon of “Flow” you learn there is a window that we Humans get into when we are experiencing influential concentration. I call it influential concentration because it’s a dance, a conversation between My Dream and My Vision. A challenge and my effort. Picture you in the middle of your Vision but your dream is holding you back because there’s something you need to experience in order to bring forth in vision. This bringing forth will take a revision, and the revision will be bridged by the labors of experienced goals, which should come as present expectations. Solving your current situation will position you to help others who are missing the perspective. You don’t have a creative problem you maybe having a operation crisis causing harmonic dissonance. Discipline will be your bestfriend when it comes to risk management and the infrastructure of your foundation. Wether we are building a confident man or a million dollar company the system of flow is based upon the capacity to operate. How the entity presents itself is a byproduct to how it is running internally. The flow of traffic is within, the flow of influence follows the attention.

Think, Have, Do, I like to call it the “No is a Know mentality”. The whole point of making your intuition the path of certainty even with its unconscious nature puts your integrity upon the identity of another. I find this is the basis of inspiration, it allows you insight into a potential future using just an idea thought. Not just any idea but a thought provoking idea that motivates a new perspective of experiencing. This should fuel your creativity side because the goal of your imagination is to keep you expressive. This is why you see gurus on social media giving out information until you throw money at them, they serve the poor and the unbelievers by marketing their Vision and publishing your Dream as a case study or testimony of integrity. By you seeing others dreams being accomplished it builds credibility that you have a chance at fulfillment, then comes the desire which is influenced mostly by the situation you are currently in. The process of fulfillment is the vehicle for success. Your mental capacity to handle risk will determine your quality of destination and at a given time your quantity of adventures. Storms send your train of thought or life ships into spirals of despair which is what chaos feeds on. In Mark 4:38-40 assurance is commanded when clarity is announced

38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?

39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?

Belief is an overstatement, an empowerment of one’s character builds confidence. To make matters easy as pie, management is a leadership quality. Leaders understand delivery and delegation plays huge roles in inspiring innovation in groups of Individuals. The ability to shift the mindset from a individual motive to community compassion, is based upon the security of the belief of one’s own foundation. “From the base of his voice I knew not to ask twice” - Using this short quote I just created you can see that the personality of the speaker was cautious maybe even conscientious. While taking another chance to read again you can notice the tone of the voice the speaker spoke of maybe had great integrity. In this case we identified a frame of mind using references and patterns. Followed by using our active imagination we played the game of the mind by role playing, which in return creates a system of occurrence, that should only be valued to potentiality. Look at it as thinking on the fly, and letting your system handle the workload. A kingdom is built on the backs of its own transgressions which in return honor its support with loyalty. “A team is only as strong as its weakest link”, should humble your being resulting in a more distinctive character. You start to look for opportunities to be of service rather standing in positions for status.

By mastering people skills and sales you gain the position of entrepreneur. Now I chose to leave the real power of Me in the following chapter. In this chapter I will help you visualize your dream using your imagination toolset.